GPS doesn't work properly [edited]

We tested as good as we can. But there will always be things we didn't find. If you found things that apparently don't work as they should, you can report them here so we can take care of them as soon as possible.
Posts: 225
Joined: October 4th, 2018, 4:18 pm

January 21st, 2019, 9:59 am

Hi Christian,

As far as I know, the first official update is scheduled for release by the end of this week.
Firmware developer at Foolography
Posts: 35
Joined: October 20th, 2018, 12:32 pm

February 15th, 2019, 9:13 am

As of February 15th, GPS is still not working properly. Once the camera is switched off and turned on again, blutooth won't reconnect, no GPS data are transmitted from the phone, no GPS data are written into pic metadata. The GPS functions are simply not usable since the Unleashed was delivered. It is totally bullshit that you must keep the camera constantly on to continue receiving GPS data from the smartphone. Camera once switched off and on, and you need to go to the app again to re-establish sending of GPS data.
Nikon D850 FW C1.20 LD 2.017
Nikon Z7II FW C1.40 LF 1.01 W 1.03
Unleashed N1 A 2.1.4 - B 2.1.3 - C 2.0.0
Unleashed N2 A 2.1.4 - B 2.1.3 - C 2.0.0
Unleashed App 2.0.4
QStarz BL-1000ST
Google Pixel 4 Android 12
Posts: 1135
Joined: October 9th, 2018, 4:17 pm

February 15th, 2019, 11:51 am

Hi toorude,

I understand your frustration, but in all our tests it has been working very well, and we're not seeing the symptoms as you do at all.
We have now even added Indications for when the Unleashed SHOULD have GPS data, but doesn't get any from the App: the LED on the Unleashed will blink red every 4 seconds when it shines turqoise (app active), in between the turqoise slow pulses (app in background), or yellow slow pulses (disconnected). You can then check the details of why it's blinking red in the app.

Can you please be more specific?
What's the color of the LED, and the sequence, when you claim "bluetooth won't reconnect"?
What do you do with the app when this happens? is it in the foreground, screen on, in the background? or do you close the app entirely? Or do you have a "cleaner" installed that automatically closes apps when they go into the background?

do you have the USB cable connected or not?

When the app is in the foreground and actively being used, we prioritize settings over GPS data. If your GPS Priority setting is set to "GPS" rather than "Trigger", we enable GPS as soon as possible, when you press or tap the shutterbutton on the app, or also when you half-press the camera trigger. It does take about 500-700 millisecond to change protocols and get a whole set of data to the camera, that's why there's a delay from when you tap the triggerbutton and the camera taking a photo. When you halfpress the shutterbutton on the camera, you ahve to keep it pressed for about 1 second, then take the photo for it to contain GPS data.

However when the app is in the background (or when you have the USB cable connected), the GPS protocol is always running, so you should have GPS data in every photo. The one time where this might not be the case is when the camera meter was off, and you manage to take a photo within less than 200ms of the meter turning on (eg lens in manual mode, and you immediately fully press the trigger when the meter is still off).

When the app is killed, either by you or a cleaner app, we still keep the old GPS data for a while, but can't reconnect via bluetooth to have current data, so make sure your app is running in the background.

If you give us more specific information, we can help more specifically.

Greetings from Berlin,

Founder & CEO of Foolography, Hardware & Firmware developer.
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