N1 & D700: iso limits unavailable in ramping

We tested as good as we can. But there will always be things we didn't find. If you found things that apparently don't work as they should, you can report them here so we can take care of them as soon as possible.
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June 17th, 2020, 4:12 pm

Hi Paolo,
sorry for the late reply. Can you test if the last App update from June 5th solved your issue?

Also, I notice that your app is not showing the camera name (it's showing the serial number instead)

This could be due to an Android BLE stack issue we've seen before.

Try resetting your Bluetooth Cache, the App cache, turning on &off Flight mode and restart your phone. These are all things that have helped other customers with similar issues.

I'm sure some other issues will come from this (other than the serial number being displayed)
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June 17th, 2020, 8:49 pm

Hi Oliver,

thanks for your tips, I'll give a try asap and let you know. In effect, I rarely saw D700 shown as camera name, for short periods, then replaced by serial.

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June 17th, 2020, 9:26 pm

Just gave another try with no look. Cleared caches, reboot, airplane mode, also tried a new pair with the device. ISO settings in autoramp are still missing. Also noticed that after changing a couple of times ISO settings in picture mode, it stops working: other settings keep working, ISO doesn't change until app and device are both restarted.

Little improvement after pairing I see D700 as device instead of serial number.

Shared a new log.

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June 18th, 2020, 12:21 pm

Hmm, that's odd. Sorry to hear that. We'll look through the log file.
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June 18th, 2020, 10:01 pm

Sorry, the following statement

paolone wrote: Also noticed that after changing a couple of times ISO settings in picture mode, it stops working

is far from being accurate: the ISO setting change keep working in picture mode, the thing that confused me is that once I move the spinner to a certain value, the value set on the camera (and then updated back to the spinner) is 1/3 stop lower than the user selected one. So if you I move the spinner up of one single step, the ISO setting isn't updated. This led me to think that the setting wasn't changing (I was trying to change it by one step up).

However I gave a try with a different Android device, but behavior is the same. ISO setting works in picture mode, but is not available in ramp mode.

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June 19th, 2020, 2:11 pm

Ah, OK, that's interesting.
Can you tell me which iso values you're at?
And which stepsize you have set in camera, and what is the app showing?
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June 20th, 2020, 10:31 pm

Hi Oliver,

this is a short display video capture with app's behavior. The upper right corner ISO settings value is always coherent with the camera one. You'll notice that when I stop moving the spinner to the "i" position, it jumps back to the "i-1" position by itself. A couple of times, moving it by 1 single step caused a misalignment between spinner and actual ISO settings on both camera and upper right display in app.

In my camera all step sizes (b1, b2, b3 parameters) are set to 1/3.
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July 7th, 2020, 12:46 pm

Hi Paolo,

We've been looking, but we really can't find any reason for something like this to happen!
could you turn logging off and on again, then go straight to the iso setting , make changes similar to what you sent in the video, then to back to send us the log file?

Do you have the chance to try the iOS app on a friends phone or so? just to confirm if the issue is in the Android app or in Firmware?

Thanks already, and sorry for the trouble.
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July 7th, 2020, 6:39 pm

Hi Oliver,

I'll repeat the tests later and upload the resulting logs. I've an old iPad2, but I think it's outdated to work with BLE, I'll try to find an iOS test device to check the behavior.

Thanks for your support.

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July 7th, 2020, 11:30 pm

The app works with iOS as old as 10.1 or so, and every iPad that supports 10.x already has BLE. So iPad 4th gen, iPad Mini 2, and newere or iPad Air or iPad Pro will all work:
Founder & CEO of Foolography, Hardware & Firmware developer.
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