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Entagged Bluetooth Connection Issue
Posted: July 22nd, 2023, 5:23 am
by shuttlemanfl
I have to two Entagged device for my R6 MkII cameras. I have been able to connect them to my Galaxy S22 phone and an ipad. However I really want to use them with my two Galaxy Tablets Model SM-T710. However when using the software it never finds the tablets. If I go to the Bluetooth menu in the setting on the tablet I can see the Entagged listed. I have even tried to connect to it using the tablets bluetooth menu and it says that they are pair but it still doesn't show up in the Entagged software. Do you have any recommendations? Maybe it isn't compatible with an older version of Bluetooth (the tablets use 4.1).
Hope there is a fix for this because I really want to use them with these devices.
Re: Entagged Bluetooth Connection Issue
Posted: July 23rd, 2023, 12:04 pm
by Oliver
Hi Scott,
you need to unpair the Entaggeds in the System settings - you should only pair from within the app.
Also, if your Entaggeds are still connected to your S22 or your iPad, you won't be able to pair them on your Galaxy tablets! They can only handle one connection at a time, and if one of the other other devices are still connected you won't see them on your new device.
Lastly, you need to have all the right permissions for the app on the tablets. If you declined any of the requests, they won't show up. It's easiest to uninstall the Entagged App on the tablets, then reinstall. This will reset the permissions and ask for all of them again.
If that still doesn't work: what do the LEDs on the Entaggeds show?
Do they still work with your older smartphone/iPad?
Re: Entagged Bluetooth Connection Issue
Posted: July 26th, 2023, 6:09 am
by shuttlemanfl
Hi Oliver...
Let me tell you what I have done...
1) my Ipad pro (about 4 years old) does not have any problems connecting to either of my entagged (s/n 1023 and 1024). Had a great photoshoot with one of them on Monday.
2) I have connected both of them to my Galaxy S22 with no probllem. I can switch back and forth between my S22 and my ipad with no issues.
3) I uninstalled Entagged from all my devices (all 4, the above mentioned devices and also my two Samsung tablets)
4) Installed the software on my tablets again and tried to connect to the Entagged using the Entagged software. All it does is give me the Permissions which I accept and then there is just the message "Pair Devices". It never Pairs. I checked all permissions and there was no issue.
I recorded a video to show you what I did. It is 6 minutes long and I don't say anything until about 4 minutes into the video. I me trying to connect to both my tablet at once and my Entaggeds flashing yellow.
Here is the link:!Ap0tbAF7UZNAhJg30t8 ... Q?e=qL7ekO
I really need this to work on the tablets because the phone and ipad are my personal items and not used for work.
Thanks! Hope this helps and you have an idea what is going on.
Re: Entagged Bluetooth Connection Issue
Posted: July 26th, 2023, 11:31 pm
by Oliver
Hi Scott.
That's really odd. I'm checking with our Android team to see if they have an idea what could cause this. It's good to know everything is working on your phone and iPad, and good that your phone is Android and it still works! That eliminates several possibilities for errors.
One thing you can do to help:
- below the "Start searching" button is a yellow Link: "Try app without ENTAGGED" - tap that, to skip the onboarding pairing step.
- go to the menu, then the Entagged with a gear icon. Here's the regular pairing screen.
- if the Entaggeds don't show up here either, go back to the menu, then tap the (i) button
- tap "Share Log File". Add a description "Entaggeds can't be found" or so, and hit send.
That'll give our Android developers something to work with.
Re: Entagged Bluetooth Connection Issue
Posted: July 27th, 2023, 1:39 am
by shuttlemanfl
Hi Oliver
I did what you asked.. It didn't connect with the camera. I think went to the "i" icon and then clicked on Send Log. AFter I clicked on it, it give me a red "!" icon. Hope that means the log was sent.
Let me know if I need to try anything else.