My main purpose to buy a time lapse device to cover the entire sunset and the rising milky ways automatically.
Will the UNLEASHED set the reliable exposure after the sunset in the auto ramp mode?
I guess UNLEASED will calculate/set the exposure based on the camera metering system and some of the previous photo exposures. But as far as I know, the camera's metering system is not accurate against the dark night sky. Will the UNLEASHED somehow force/adjust the exposure to some "standard" night settings (such as iso 3200, f/2.8, 20"] after dark or still based on the camera's metering system?
Auto ramp exposure after dark
Use your D750 in the LRT SUNRISE or SUNSET MODES as a DSLR light meter goes haywire approaching evening and dark. Those modes evaluate the photo luminosity values I believe and ramp off those.
Your Z6 however meters straight off the sensor amd can legitimately run the 24hr mode with minimal fuss. It’s how I run my Z6ii 🤙
Your Z6 however meters straight off the sensor amd can legitimately run the 24hr mode with minimal fuss. It’s how I run my Z6ii 🤙