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ISO 100 or lower not in the App [solved - camera setting]

Posted: March 21st, 2021, 2:07 pm
by HetPix

yesterday I used my Canon EOS 5D Mark 3 with the unleashed C2. In the App I could not change the ISO to 100 or less. The App only shows ISO 200 for lowest.

@foolography, can you take a look at it please?!
For a long exposure I need to use ISO 100.
Is there a posibility for an extra manuel Mode in the App?! So that you can turn off one or more adjustments ( like ISO, aperture or others...) .

Thanks for your support. I like to use the unleashed very much. Its such a great product.


Re: ISO 100 or lower not in the App

Posted: March 22nd, 2021, 12:24 pm
by Oliver

Hmm, that's odd, we haven't had this issue before!
Are you using iOS or Android? if iOS, I'd like to invite you to our Beta, where we're testing completely rebuilt firmware.
you can send me your AppStore email address to and I'll send you an invitation.

I'm not quite sure what you mean with the extra manual mode, could you elaborate on that?

Re: ISO 100 or lower not in the App

Posted: March 22nd, 2021, 10:17 pm
by HetPix
Hallo Oliver,

I am using Android. Sorry. But if I can help, I want to appreciate this..

Its hard for a german guy to explane it in english...^^ But If you want more details you can email me or give me an inbox message.

Like an extra panel or the panel itself where you can switch things on or off. Like you will not want that the camera setting for ISO will change, when using the App. (how I had the problem, want use ISO 100 on camera but the App said, I can only use ISO 200 on minimum. ) Maybe that I can switch ISO off and the camera will use this whats shown there.

How is the progress on the miniature preview pictures in the App, as well? Hard to see the picture on the App, it there are to many slow pixels in the picture.

Thanks for listening to my problem.



Re: ISO 100 or lower not in the App

Posted: April 7th, 2021, 11:30 pm
by Oliver
Hi Stephan,

sorry, dass ich so spät erst wieder antworte.

Du darfst gerne auch auf Deutsch schreiben ;-)

Ich habe nochmal über dein Problem nachgedacht:
kann es sein, dass Du evtl noch Auto ISO anhattest? In diesem Fall ändert sich evtl die ISO Auswahl auf dass, was man in der Kamera als maximum einstellen kann. Dies ist dann natürlich nicht ISO 100, sondern mindestens 200. Auto ISO funktioniert bei Canon leider nicht immer so, dass wir in der app "Auto" anzeigen können, wie wir es gerne würden, denn Canon macht keinen Unterschied dabei ob ISO gerade an der Kamera zB von Auto auf 100 gestellt wurde, oder aber vom Benutzer von zB 200 auf 100. Vielleicht ist die Lösung dann ja doch etwas einfacher...

For any non-germans reading this:

the issue might have come from Auto ISO being on. In this case the ISO setting can change from meaning the current ISO to meaning the maximum ISO that Auto ISO is allowed to go to. This obviously needs to be different from the minimum, hence it starts at 200... Unfortunately we're somewhat limited by what information Canon cameras give use about ISO. So we can't always show "Auto" in the app, when we'd like to. Canon doesn't make a difference when telling us if Auto ISO just switched ISO to 100 or if the user switched from 200 to 100. Anyway, hopefully this solves the ISO 200 mystery.

Re: ISO 100 or lower not in the App

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 8:01 am
by HetPix
Hallo Oliver,

ja das Problem ist behoben... habe die Einstellungen angepasst. Das Minimum für ISO war zu hoch eingestellt. Musste mich auch erst mit der für mich neuen Kamera zurecht finden.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe, Oliver! Auch für eure beiden Likes bei meinen Fotos in Instagram. Finde ich klasse!


PS: Was ist mit dem anderen was ich mal angemerkt hatte?

Re: ISO 100 or lower not in the App

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 10:53 am
by Oliver
Super, das freut mich.

mit "dem anderen" meinst du die wenigen Pixel bei der Miniaturansicht? Da arbeiten wir natürlich weiter dran, aber es wird noch dauern bis wir da etwas veröffentlichen können.