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New N1 not working with D850 or D810 [solved: hardware defect]

Posted: August 14th, 2020, 6:45 pm
by Davidmatthews
My N1 is not working with my D850 or D810. It communicates with the app with no problem. As soon as I plugged the N1 into the camera, the app recognized it and downloaded new firmware. A 1.4.4, B 1.4.9, C 1.4.0. I am using an iPhone X, iOS 13.6. The N1 LED slowly pulses green.

The problem is that when the N1 is plugged into the camera, it does the " half-shutter release" and the top panel image buffer reads "r19". Usually the N1 cannot connect to the camera, with the app showing N1: 002909 saying "Camera is Off, Turn on the camera".
Intermittently the app can see the camera and I can adjust settings but I cannot use the Photo Trigger. With the D850, If I press the shutter release on the camera, it immediately starts taking pictures as if I was holding down the release. The only way to stop it is to turn off the camera. With the D810, I was only able to get the app to see it once and pressing the shutter release on the camera caused the shutter to open and stay open until another press closed it for a moment then it opened again as if the camera was in some weird Bulb mode.

I have tried all combinations of inserting N1 with camera on/off, battery in/out, with USB plugged or not, reinstall app, unpair/pair N1. This happens with both a D850 and a D810. Am I doing something wrong or do I have a defective unit?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: New N1 not working with D850 or D810

Posted: August 14th, 2020, 10:23 pm
by Oliver
Hmm, that's odd. Sorry for the trouble!
We do shortly "half-press" the trigger when you plug it in, to check for the availability of various protocols, but that's for less than a second. After that, you should not see that anymore.

It certainly looks like it's a hardware issue - even though we test all Unleasheds for short-circuits like this (and a permanent half-press would be such a short-circuit), so it's odd that we wouldn't have caught it during testing.

Did it do this right away, or only after the firmware update?

Re: New N1 not working with D850 or D810

Posted: August 14th, 2020, 10:43 pm
by Davidmatthews
The app did the update as soon as I plugged in the N1 for the first time so I don't know about the earlier firmware.
I thought the problem seemed odd since I didn't see any other posts with this same issue.

Re: New N1 not working with D850 or D810

Posted: September 7th, 2020, 9:28 pm
by Davidmatthews
I posted here about this problem three weeks ago and I followed up on August 20 with an email sent to to "Support" (see below)

I still have not received a suitable response or a replacement unit.
I am out 114.00 € and still don’t have a functioning unit. I don't understand the lack of response.
What should I do? Return the unit for a full refund of to device and 2 way shipping, protest the charges to PayPal?

Email response on August 20:
Hello Administrator,

The following is an e-mail sent to you through the administration contact
page on "Foolography Community".

The message has been sent from an account on the site.
Username: Davidmatthews
E-mail address:
IP Address:

Message sent to you follows

The last reply I received on the message board was on August 14. It seems
that I have a defective unit, will you be sending me a replacement N1?

Re: New N1 not working with D850 or D810

Posted: September 8th, 2020, 9:48 am
by Oliver
Hi Dave,
I'm really sorry about that. I'll check with my colleagues why you haven't heard back from us.
We'll get back to you today.

Re: New N1 not working with D850 or D810

Posted: September 10th, 2020, 6:11 pm
by Davidmatthews
Thanks. I just received an email that a replacement unit has been sent by FedEx. I look forward to receiving it and giving it a try