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Re: Keine Bildanzeige und keine Langzeitbelichtung bei D850 [solved - by clearing Android Bluetooth Cache]

Posted: July 17th, 2020, 1:00 am
by Unfoolishly
Oliver wrote:
July 14th, 2020, 11:27 pm
Eine einfacher workaround ist es, während der langzeitbelichung ab und zu (oder zumindest einmal kurz vor ende) irgendetwas (zB ein anderes setting) in der app anzutippen. Dadurch erkennen wir dass die App noch aktiv genutzt wird, und verhindern für weitere 30s dass das Unleashed in den idle modus wechselt. dann sollte auch die Bildübertragung danach klappen.
Hi Frank & Oliver,

Why not implement a programmable timer (which can be set from the App) in the Unleashed that starts the BT LE connection after the long exposure has finished and then re-establish the usb-port communication to fetch the image/photo for transport over the BT connection (preview image / thumbnail) and push the image towards the smartphone? Circumstantially, the smartphone / unleashed BT connection can be turned off as long as the timer requirement is not met, that is: the long exposure is still running. After the photo is taken, you could set in the App if the Unleashed should send the thumbnail image after each long exposure shot, or wait until the batch of long time exposure shots is finished, not re-establishing the BT connection each time while the batch is running. That will sure save battery life on the camera and smartphone side.

I am not sure if the Unleashed can stack up multiple thumbnails in memory before they get send towards the smartphone, making the Unleashed prepared for a "burst" broadcast of several thumbnails in one go, instead of in several unique time moments and each time send one thumbnail. That will save battery life too, not having to start/stop the BT connection between each long exposure picture.

I don't see any point in tapping in the App some UI element just to keep the connection alive between the smartphone and the Unleashed. It should be configurable if the user wants to do so or not. I mean: keeping the connection going, not keep tapping a UI element to work around an unimplemented feature ;-)

The only problem I forsee is the stacking up of too much thumbnail images in the memory of the Unleashed if the number of long time exposure photos is too high.
Just an idea.


Re: Keine Bildanzeige und keine Langzeitbelichtung bei D850 [solved - by clearing Android Bluetooth Cache]

Posted: July 23rd, 2020, 11:09 am
by Oliver
Well, it's much easier than that to implement, no need for app settable timers - we just need to change our logic that the idle timeout simply gets extended by a long exposure.
I don't see any point in tapping in the App some UI element just to keep the connection alive between the smartphone and the Unleashed. It should be configurable if the user wants to do so or not. I mean: keeping the connection going, not keep tapping a UI element to work around an unimplemented feature ;-)
Well, that's not how it works. the connection to the app stays alive ALL the time. This uses virtually NO power, so no need to disconnect. But we use the info whether the app is being actively used to determine whether we can go into idle mode on the Unleashed, in which case we turn off USB connection to get and set settings. This is purely to save power by allowing the camera to go into standby, which it doesn't while it's communicating via USB.

We added the long exposure feature much much later, and merely made the ommission to test the one case where the user has thumbnail transfer turned on, but has a longer exposure time longer than the idle timeout, but is not touching the app at all in the 30s before the exposure finishes. Now that we know about it, we've made a ticket and will work on that when it fits into our development plan.

That's why, until we fix this issue, we suggest a "workaround" for the user to achieve what he wants while waiting for us to do it properly. That's what workarounds are!