Unleashed '22 M doesn't work with Z fc

We tested as good as we can. But there will always be things we didn't find. If you found things that apparently don't work as they should, you can report them here so we can take care of them as soon as possible.
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January 22nd, 2024, 4:42 pm

I answered 'M', but can of course repeat here!
Posts: 42
Joined: October 9th, 2023, 9:04 am

January 22nd, 2024, 5:44 pm

Here is what I got from Foolography on 10 January,

Hi there. Your recent order on foolography has been completed. Your order details and invoice are shown below for your reference:
[Order #56491] (January 10, 2024)
Product Quantity Price


Z fc
Magnetic Plug Type:

Cable Type:



I would expect this to mean an M was sent??? However, the tracking DHL number sent me later same day shows any shipment has stalled. Obviously there has been one or more misunderstandings involved here.
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February 13th, 2024, 1:17 pm

OK, the replacement unit arrived after being stuck in Norwegian Mail & Customs for three - 3 - weeks.

First, I noted that one of the pins of the M was looking strange (arrowed below)
20240213_124229[1].jpg (108.18 KiB) Viewed 3957 times
Next, I put the replacement unit on the Z f and hoped for the best. I had to update the firmware to the latest 3.21/3.10 version which for once went smoothly. Then I paired the Qstarz as accessory and crossed my fingers.

No way. I cannot get GPS data to the Zf (or Z fc, tried that one also) even though I have ascertained the Qstarz delivers proper location data (tested with the Qstarz viewer). I even tried pairing the Unleashed with the GL-770M instead. Same thing. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Unleashed app. Same problem persisted.

In the Unleashed interface, even if the GPS icon goes to yellow and I have selected the external GPS source, no data is ever delivered. Even worse, if I select "GPS off" (small green icon on the drop-down list with an 'X' on it), I cannot get back the option to select any 'GPS on' mode. For this I would need to do a factory reset and go through all the pairing procedures again.

Why bother, as the entire setup is deeply flawed. IT SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK.

(fortunately, Nikon's Snapbridge works and inserts the desired GPS data ... food for thought?)
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February 16th, 2024, 11:53 pm

At this point in time, it may be prudent to look closer at the components and complexity involved in the 22'M.

Firstly, the central M device. The first item received became faulty after 2 months so had to be replaced. The replacement rapidly developed a faulty contact pin which after the first week resulted in the device became unresponsive or started to disconnected intermittently. I'm now in the position of having to ask for a second replacement within a few months. This will lead to the company product getting very bad reputation for quality control and frankly is unacceptable.

Secondly, the magnetic pin for USB-C port. The first received became wobbly with a lot of play in the USB-C port of my Nikon Z30, Z fc, and Zf cameras. The second unit apparently is better seated, but due to the irregularities outlined above, this is now moot as the M + magnetic pin itself again is showing faulty behaviour.

Thirdly, the cable from the M to the HDMI port of the camera. It can be plugged into the port in the wrong direction, but this issue is mostly caused by users not reading instructions so cannot be held against the product as such. However, the flexible cable does seem to be quite delicate thus I wonder how long it will last before internal breakage occurs? Hopefully this aspect has been considered by the manufacturer.

Fourthly, the Unleashed app itself is buggy and some bugs have been pretty stubborn to eradicate. For example, loops are created that drain camera batteries excessively, or, the hosting phone dies off after a few hours. User interface errors are met with and prevent the application from working correctly. For example, if the 'GPS off' option is selected, there is no way to set 'GPS on' again unless a factory reset of the M is conducted. That requires redoing all configurations and pairing of components. In the setting section for the M, some settings are presented with zero value while the default is a positive number. If I make this value the default setting, it stays so for a while, then drops back to zero again. The Unleashed app insists on using the wrong combination of camera and external GPS accessory all the time if I use more than a single Foolography unit (I also have the 18'N2 which, surprise surprise, actually does work, at least for GPS acquisition). If one is using the Unleashed for camera control, many of the elaborate schemes are buggy, as witnessed by the many forum posts addressing such issues.

What I had hoped for when the Unleashed 22 Kickstarter was launched was to have an unobtrusive, simple, and professional way of getting GPS data recorded by my modern cameras. Such hopes have long since gone down the drain. As a long-time customer and supporter of Foolography products, I'm really disappointed and frustrated over how the project has developed.
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March 18th, 2024, 7:08 pm

OK, so I got my *second* replacement sample of the 22'M. It works -- well, sort of. There are no broken contact pins this time. I can make a connection through the Unleashed app.

On the Z30, I managed to get a single photo with embedded GPS data. The camera then froze solid and I had to pull the battery in order to revive it. Afterwards, back to the same scenario in which the Unleashed app claims there is an OK geotagging setup, but GPS data is never received. Either the Qstarz or the Transystem GL-770M gives the same outcome.

I moved over to the Zf and this now works with geotagging over BLE -- again, sort of. The 22'M connects very slowly to the GL-770M, but eventually might find it and GPS data is received and recorded. So that is some progress. However, if the camera is powered off, then switched on again. the 22'M often cannot find the GL-770M unless I yank the battery then re-insert it to force a reset of the Unleashed.

Even worse, a loop randomly is started with an alarming clicking sound and the battery of my Zf is quickly drained. This occurs even if the camera power is off, say, when I remove the SD card, or swap lenses. Or I do nothing and the M wants to test my patience, I surmise.

There must be bad bugs remaining in the Unleashed system and if this ever is going to be a successful product, such bugs need to be squished -- fast.

The advertising blurb on the packaging -- "Intuitive & easy to use" couldn't be farther away from reality.
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April 12th, 2024, 10:04 am

I haved accumulated some weeks worth of experience with the Unleashed 22'M on Z30, Z fc, and Zf. This after having received the replacements for broken units TWICE.

It does not work on the Z30. All connections apparently are established, I can pair the M with my Qstarz external GPS, the LED blinks constant teal showing there is a GPS connection, and the Unleashed app shows likewise. However, no GPS is ever recorded, and the M drains the battery of the poor Z30 within an hour. A new record!!

For the Z fc and the Zf, their stories are slightly different. I can get GPS from my Transystem GL-770M recorded, however, the connection is extremely unstable and the M keeps dropping the link all the time. If the camera goes to stand-by, the process of reconnecting etc. starts all over again. Usually I have to pull out the battery to force a reboot of the M in order for it to find the accessory again. If I fail to remove the camera battery, it will drain within some hours. Sometimes accompanied with a clicking sound, sometimes just silently happening. There is no indication on the camera itself to show the battery drain is occurring.

At the current state of affairs, I judge the Unleashed 22'M completely unuseable. The product has so many bugs still remaining for it to be of any value as a photographer's tool. The steps taken to "fix" the battery drain issue don't work and instead lead to long delays when the system tries to reestablish connections. This is useless in practice.

I have given up support as there is none. Nobody answers in the user forums.

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April 12th, 2024, 5:21 pm

It is too bad to see that this project has really derailed from a good startup with a good product idea and future prospects, and see now that this project has come to a total grown over the head struggle to keep customers happy while the design and implementation are debatable in terms of correct user experience and fulfilled promises. The product is flawed and there are no excuses anymore, because the number of customers complaining are growing and growing. I think that this project was a bit too much to handle in terms of providing an universal product experience for such a large range of camera brands and camera types. It should have started out more compact and focussed on a few brands. Now it has grown to an oil spill at sea, with no way out anymore.

I hope the customers and kickstarter backers will get their money back. I do not believe the current problems will ever be solved completely, despite all the unfulfilled promises from the company and all their hard work. It is a case of: trust comes on horseback and goes on foot. What are promises worth when they are never fulfilled? You can give people the benefit of the doubt, but when doubts run out, you end up with the truth or with another bunch of lies. For what's it worth: curstomers should be protected by full refunds and a money back garanteed when a customer is not satisfied because the promises are not fulfilled by the company for that camera brand and camera type. That is nothing more than just and reasonable and the right thing to do!

PapaBear out
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April 12th, 2024, 9:09 pm

I have been a most loyal customer to Foolography for many many years and have purchased their devices for all my Nikons (plus Fujifilm S5Pro). Always been surprised how well and unobtrusive their tiny add-ons worked and have had really very few issues over the years. Some minor adaptations required for the D800/810 series were rapidly carried out by Olivier & co. I have met him on several occasions and he is a very pleasant fellow indeed.

This is the background why I joined the Kickstarter project and also later purchased another 22'M for my Z30, as I had hoped production units were exempt of flaws. How stupid of me and reality really has bitten back. Throwing hundreds of Euros down the drain is one painful experience, however the worst is the battle between me and the bug-ridden and flawed devices I received. Direct physical issues caused replacements twice -- two times, with all the hassle of getting the replacemens tax-free through a very suspicious Customs office. I ended having to pay extra to get my replacements. Still the M modules don't work as advertised and I suspect they never will.

How many hours I have spent attempting to get these gremlins to work as described I have lost count of long ago. Now I have lost all my patience and my trust in the company as well. Thus I recommend strongly against buying this product. It will save other people getting grey hair prematurely. Stay away. This is the message I'm sending now.
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April 12th, 2024, 11:42 pm

You can be a nice person and have made a product that still doesn't work. People do not buy from people because they are nice people. People buy nice devices of people who develop, produce and sell them. Personally, I would care less if the person is nice or not, the product and service should be to the benefit of the sellers/backers because that is what they paid the producer for: a nice working device without flaws. There is nothing wrong with getting a replacement unit, if the previous one was produced badly, but when the product itself is flawed for over a timeperiod of six years (2024-2018=6) and the bugs aren't solved at all (battery drainage), then you could speak of a product not well designed. It is what it is. A product should just work. People do not want to buy a product that gives them only problems and frustrations. This is not about pointing fingers for whom is to blame, this is about making your promises come true for those backers that paid you in full (750.000 euro) in advance! I would be really frustrated to see a good intention go to waste, but fair is fair: people did not back up this company and product to get something they didn't paid for in advance: defective hardware and no solution. I hope that those dissatisfied customers get their money back, because they deserve to be treated with respect: no cure = no pay!

PapaBear out
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Joined: October 9th, 2023, 9:04 am

May 26th, 2024, 10:26 pm

I now have submitted a request for a return and full refund for the Unleashed device. The concept is so bug-riddled it will never work and obviously, the company no longer cares about its reputation. There is no support and no answers to all the complaints seen in this forum.

I cannot get my first M refunded as it was part of the Kickstarter project. The units received have been faulty and I'm on the third M replacement now that sometimes works for a short while on my Zf, if it is not busy killing my camera battery.

Thre unit I'm returning was intended for Z fc and Z30, and it simply does not work no matter what I try. So I'm asking for a full refund for that device and will be using Nikon's Snapbridge instead. The Nikon app is a bit clunky, but works, and as we now are painfully aware of, that is NOT the case for the Unleashed. So don't fall into the trap of buying a Foolography unit unless they by a miracle squish all the bugs remaining. That'll be the day and never happen.
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