Problem with Unleashed N1 on D850/D800 [solved]

We tested as good as we can. But there will always be things we didn't find. If you found things that apparently don't work as they should, you can report them here so we can take care of them as soon as possible.
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January 29th, 2019, 8:48 am


My N1 was working well with my Nikon D850 since I received it in late September last year. However, about a 1 week ago, my camera started playing up with all the function buttons on the back not working except for Liveview. When the N1 was removed, all the buttons started working again. I just tried the N1 on my D800 and it is also disabling all the function buttons on that too.

Has anyone else seen this problem? The N1 with or without the USB cable seems to disable the majority of the function buttons on both my cameras.

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January 30th, 2019, 2:51 pm

Hi Anthony,
we've seen this behaviour on a few Unleasheds sorted out during production, and yes, one or two other customers (that we know of) have observed this issue coming up after a long while of using the Unleashed (ie it worked perfectly for a while before showing the same symptoms as you saw).

Your problem sounds like the Unleashed is basically half-pressing the cameras trigger all the time. Can you check if the cameras top display says something like [r22] rather than something like [1.8k]? (ie same as when you half-press the shutter when the Unleashed is not plugged in) This would confirm my suspicions.
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February 5th, 2019, 11:21 am

Hi Oliver,
Sorry about the slow reply but I was away from home and didn't have my laptop with me.

The top display is looking normal .. ie. no [r22] is shown and the number of shots left is showing correctly. However, on my D850 with the unleashed install, all the controls on the back which should work don't (Playback, Menu, button with the key icon, Fn2, info). LV & AF-On works as normal.
Once I remove the Unleashed, all the buttons function as normal.

Is this Unleashed hardware problem? How do I get this replaced?
Oliver wrote:
January 30th, 2019, 2:51 pm
Hi Anthony,
we've seen this behaviour on a few Unleasheds sorted out during production, and yes, one or two other customers (that we know of) have observed this issue coming up after a long while of using the Unleashed (ie it worked perfectly for a while before showing the same symptoms as you saw).

Your problem sounds like the Unleashed is basically half-pressing the cameras trigger all the time. Can you check if the cameras top display says something like [r22] rather than something like [1.8k]? (ie same as when you half-press the shutter when the Unleashed is not plugged in) This would confirm my suspicions.
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February 7th, 2019, 11:15 pm

Hi Anthony,
we have just received some videos of another customer with the same issue that you have.
if [r22] or similar is not showing (but it does show up when you half-press the shutter, then it's not a hardware-fault, or at least not one that I was expecting.

Could you confirm something for me? Does this issue only show up when the USB cable is plugged in?

Founder & CEO of Foolography, Hardware & Firmware developer.
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February 12th, 2019, 12:57 pm

Hi Oliver,

The problem is the same either with or without the USB cable attached from what I remember when I tried it a week ago. My D850 or D800 bodies only work correctly if I remove the Unleashed. I'll try to get a video captured in the next couple of days.

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February 23rd, 2019, 12:41 am

Hi Anthony, we have an idea of where the problem might come from, and are preparing a beta firmware for you to test.

can you send me your appstore/playstore email to, so I can invite you to that update.

Founder & CEO of Foolography, Hardware & Firmware developer.
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February 28th, 2019, 1:02 pm

Hi Olivier,

Unfortunately, I've lost my unleashed. The small plastic case with the Unleashed and the USB cable fell out of my camera back during a wedding shoot last weekend.

I would have been happy to help beta test but unfortunately cannot do so now.

Thanks for the help thus far. I hope the fix helps the others who have the same problem.
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May 21st, 2019, 2:28 pm

Hi Anthony and anyone else reading this:

The app update released yesterday includes firmware with a fix for this issue. We still need confirmation from all those that were affected by this kind of an issue, but it should work now!

Sorry you can't check it on your Unleashed :-/
Founder & CEO of Foolography, Hardware & Firmware developer.
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June 7th, 2019, 7:16 pm

Hi Oliver,

I've had great news in that my original unleashed was found and returned to me recently. I'll update the firmware on it this weekend and let you know if it fixes things for me.

Posts: 12
Joined: January 29th, 2019, 8:39 am

June 11th, 2019, 3:34 pm

Hi Oliver,

I had a chance to upgrade the firmware tonight and unfortnately, it still does not work for me.
Have the others provided any feedback?
AChoong wrote:
June 7th, 2019, 7:16 pm
Hi Oliver,

I've had great news in that my original unleashed was found and returned to me recently. I'll update the firmware on it this weekend and let you know if it fixes things for me.

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