Synchronize camera time with device

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Posts: 3
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 6:45 pm

February 21st, 2024, 2:25 pm

I got my unleashed last weekend and while playing with it and my camera I discovered that my camera time was incorrect - not the first time I've missed changing it after travel or daylight savings etc!

I wonder if it would be possible for the unleashed to highlight when the camera time and app time are out of sync?

Just simply showing the currently set camera time on the photo/video control screen would be helpful, especially if a little warning icon could display when the time is (significantly) different from the device time.

Being able to update it from the device would be even neater, and having a 'set all connected cameras to device time' might be pretty handy for multi-camera video, but just getting an alert that the time needs checking would be helpful to me!
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Joined: October 9th, 2018, 4:17 pm

March 1st, 2024, 4:15 pm

On some cameras, this is already possible.
When you enable Geotagging, and go to the GPS/Location settings in the camera menu, there often is an option such as "Set clock from GPS time"
I don't think this sets the correct timezone/DST info, but will set the UTC time correctly.

by the way, regardless of the time saved in the camera, if you enable geotagging, the camera will save an additional timestamp of the GPS Time (Sometimes named UTC timestamp, though UTC is officially a few seconds off from GPS Time) in each photo, so if you're picky about the file timestamps, you can run a command to set the other timestamps according to this GPS timestamp, using exiftool.
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